Jerry Alexander was sworn in as President of the Dallas Bar Association (DBA) on January 16, 2016, the culmination of a steady rise through the leadership ranks of the DBA since being elected to the DBA Board of Directors in 2007.  Jerry has also led the DBA’s Finance Committee, Judiciary Committee, the Senior Lawyers Committee, and the Judicial Polls Study Committee.

During his inauguration speech, Jerry said he learned a lot from his mentors, Sam Passman and Shannon Jones Jr. The most important message Jerry learned from Sam was to look at everything from the client’s perspective and keep in mind how the client felt: if you were the client you would not want to wait a day or week to have your phone call returned, so return your client’s calls.  From Shannon, Jerry learned what it takes to get the job done, even if it takes longer than you can bill for, and to never go to court or a meeting without being fully prepared.

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